Antwort auf: Revenge – US-Quotenreport

Roland Deschain



Wow, what an amazing rebound for REVENGE? LOL. (sarcasm intended folks)

So, what is the excuse those REVENGERS would like to play this week?

Walking Dead? Audience erosion because fans missed last week’s episode and are still catching up? A wrestling event on pay-per-view?

Just face it. REVENGE, at this point, will never recover. The move to Sunday was a mistake and sophomore slump doesn’t even begin to do justice to what the show has become.

Of course, no new episodes until a March 10th “Spring” premiere and once Spring is finally here in full force, we are going to see those mid 1′s on a consistent basis. I really do believe ABC will have serious discussions on whether or not to renew this show.

With the Oscars next Sunday, I hope ABC gives tons of promotion to their actual guilty pleasure hit, SCANDAL. It is the break-out star of ABC’s television season and deserves just as much promotion as the non-hit REVENGE received. Go SCANDAL.