5×02 Familiensache | Family

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  • #284062
    Adrian Monk

    Schöne Folge, vor allem das Ende war richtig klasse, als Tony sich entscheiden muss, ob er sein altes Leben fortführt, oder ob er ein neues mit Jeanne beginnt. Toll dabei, wie er da am Feuer saß und er die glückliche Familie mit dem Kind sehen konnte und dann seine Freunde und Partner, die lachend beisammen stehen #mh#
    Und zum Glück, wie auch nicht anders zu erwarten ;), hat sich Tony für den NCIS entschieden. Ohne den hätte echt was gefehlt #mh# #mh# #mh# #mh# #mh# #mh#

    Der Fall rückt dadurch auch ordentlich in den Hintergrund, da es ja hauptsächlich um Tonys Gefühle gegenüber Jeanne geht. Sehr schön auch das Gespräch zwischen ihm und Ziva auf der Toilette, auch wenn mir Ziva da nicht so arg gefallen hat #hm#

    Nicholas: Am I in trouble?
    Gibbs: Prosecution’s gonna call it attempted murder. Your lawyer’s gonna call it self-defense.
    Nicholas: What do you call it?
    Gibbs: Family.

    McGee: Alright I think I know what happened here.
    Tony (pulls a note out of his pocket): Twenty bucks says McGee’s about to say something nobody understands again!
    McGee: The GPS co-ordinates came bundled in a proprietary packet. Since it was a beta, I thought…
    Gibbs: Starting to think you can’t help yourself, McGee.

    McGee: What was it like?
    Tony: Sex? Losing your virginity? It’s good.
    McGee: Pretending to be someone else.
    Tony: Oh, I don’t know, Elf-lord!
    McGee: You were really in love with her, weren’t you?
    Tony: Don’t you have some more typing to do?

    Tony: (looking at the pictures of the stripper with the old ladies) I wonder if Ducky has dreams like this. Gibbs probably isn’t too far behind. He’s right behind me, isn’t he? Sorry about that, Boss.
    Gibbs: Gonna be your dreams, too, one day, DiNozzo.

    Ziva: It was a simple question, McGee.
    McGee: Yeah, one I would expect from Tony, not you.
    Ziva: I’m just being curious.
    McGee: About when I lost my virginity.
    Ziva: No, you misunderstood. I’m not asking when you lost your virginity, but if you lost it.

    Tony: Didn’t you tell me the heart wants what it wants?
    Ziva: No. Actually I didn’t.
    Tony: Well it does.
    Ziva: Well it shouldn’t.

    Ziva: I am here if you would like to talk.
    Tony: About what?
    Ziva: I know how much you cared about her.
    Tony: I’m fine Ziva.
    Ziva: Alright, but I thought, maybe you needed a little cheering up.
    Tony: If I needed to be cheered up I would’ve put super-glue on McGee’s keyboard.
    McGee: You put super-glue on my keyboard! (holds up hands stuck to keyboard)

    McGee: BOLO just came in. They found the car.
    Tony: Ah. Hmm. Jelly donut 1. Inspector Gadget 0.

    Tony: Very special Agent Anthony Dinozzo. Boy who cried wolf and who must now suffer periodontal disease for it. How may I help you?

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